Environment & Contaminated Land Investigation & Remediation Copy

Contaminated land investigation, assessment, remediation and validation has been a CES core speciality since our inception in 1995. We pride ourselves in delivering pragmatic, cost effective, innovative, and practical solutions.
We employ Certified Environmental Practitioners, Site Contamination Specialists and we work with our clients to achieve commercial, environmental, and strategic objectives.
Our clients have direct access to our team of professionals which ensures complete understanding of our client’s requirements and enables us to provide the most appropriate, pragmatic and cost effective advice.
CES remains at the cutting edge of contaminated land investigation and remediation and emerging contaminants of concern.
We implement project specific Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) procedures to improve transparency, consistency, comparability, completeness, and confidence in the project undertaken. Our field activities are followed up with secure data storage and where necessary, advanced modelling capabilities through our Data Management & Geographical Information Services (GIS) when required.
Contaminated Land
CES provide a comprehensive range of contaminated land, investigation, assessment, remediation, validation and due diligence Services including.
- Preliminary Site Investigations (PSI) (Phase I).
- Detailed Site Investigations (DSI) (Phase II).
- Soil, Groundwater, Gas and Vapour.
- Remediation Options Appraisals (ROA) and Remediation Feasibility Assessments.
- Remediation Action Plans (RAP).
- Detailed design of Remediation Schemes.
- Site Remediation Supervision, Monitoring and Validation.
- Landfill/Hazardous Gas Risk Appraisals, Management, Monitoring and Remediation.
- Leachate and Groundwater Quality Sampling, Monitoring, Assessment, Management, Treatment and Remediation.
- Environmental Management Plans (EMPs).
- Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP).
- Asbestos and Asbestos Contaminated Soil & Asbestos Management Plans.
- Acid Sulfate Soils Assessments and Management.
- Human Health and Ecological Qualitative and Quantitative and Risk.
- Expert Witness Services for contaminated sites.
- Assessment of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems (UPSS).
- Hazardous Building Materials Audits
- Emerging & Existing contaminants of concern investigation and assessment
Contamination Remediation & Site Validation
Consulting Earth Scientists has extensive experience in the design, execution and successful completion of ground, groundwater and ground gas contamination remediation solutions.
Design and execution of remediation has been a core speciality of our company since our inception and our experience ranges from small, single-use sites to large, complex projects with multiple stakeholders.
CES has experience with numerous and varied contamination remediation methodologies including:
- In-Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO)
- Excavation and off-site Disposal
- Soil Vapour Extraction (SVE)
- Underground Petroleum Storage Tank Excavation, Removal and Validation
- On-site immobilisation/encapsulation
- Acid sulfate soils management and remediation
- Ground gas mitigation and vapour barriers
- Bioremediation
- Containment Cell Design and Construction
- Pump and Treat
- Air Sparging
- Multi-Phase Extraction
- Foam Fractionation
All Services