Waste Classification, Material Re-use and Resource Recovery

The appropriate classification of waste materials is a crucial consideration and essential to the commercial and environmental success of any construction, demolition and development project.
The incorrect classification of waste can lead to significant unnecessary project expense and/or useful resources unnecessarily occupying valuable landfill space.
Incorrect classification and incorrect disposal of waste materials can also jeopardises the commercial viability of projects and have legal implications for project proponents. To not optimise the re-use of materials is a missed opportunity both commercially and environmentally.
It is therefore important for any project that the correct waste classification be determined and waste materials, re-used, recycled and recovered as a resource in an environmental prudent, beneficial and lawful manner.
Our team at CES has the experience, knowledge and proven ability in providing the full range of waste classification and resource recovery assessment services to ensure that any waste is appropriately classified, managed, disposed, recycled and where possible recovered and reused as a valuable resource.
Our services include initial site investigation, sampling (in-ground and stockpiles), assessment, analysis, characterisation and classification of waste. Assessment of compliance with various environmental authority exemptions and reuse applications and specific unique resource and reuse opportunities
We also liaise on our clients behalf with relevant authorities to obtain approval for beneficial waste reuse and general and specific resource recovery exemptions.
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