Geotechnical, Geological & Hydrogeological Investigations

Ground conditions are one of the greatest risks facing a project developer or owner. Soil, rock and water form the core foundations upon which our social and physical infrastructure is built.
Specialist knowledge of these components during the early planning phases of a project through to design and construction ensures success. This applies to projects ranging from small subdivisions, high-rise buildings, roads, tunnel and mine infrastructure, to name a few.
At CES we pride ourselves on being able to provide pragmatic and cost effective geotechnical solutions for both large and small, simple and problematic sites.
Our areas of speciality include:
- Geotechnical, Geological & Hydrogeological investigations and advice.
- Foundation and footings design and inspection (shallow and deep, pile design and construction both conventional and custom design).
- Pile design, inspection and construction supervision.
- Underpinning
- Lot Classification for residential slabs and footings.
- Ground and earthworks supervision and testing.
- Ground stabilisation, treatment and improvement – deep soil mixing, soil nailing, rock bolts and anchors design, inspection and construction supervision.
- Slope stability, landslip and rockfall (investigation, assessment and stabilisation).
- Mining subsidence.
- Retaining structures, basements and deep excavations
- Geotechnical Monitoring – ground movement and deformation monitoring of dams, deep excavations, embankments, slopes, retaining wall, buildings, structures, infrastructure and utilities.
- Vibration & Noise Monitoring and management
- Roads and pavement investigation, design and rehabilitation.
- Specialist geotechnical modelling, analysis and design services.
- Problematic ground investigation, treatment and rehabilitation, including highly variable ground, problematic fill, soft and unstable ground, saline, sodic and acid sulfate soils.
- Quarries and landfill
- Soil and stormwater management
- Soil and water Management
- Aggressive ground and groundwater conditions to inground strictures
- Drone surveys of geohazard areas
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